Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Throw me a frickin' bone here...

I told you that I would be insufferable this week. I warned you, dear reader, so do proceed with caution. I do promise to be short though, so take solace in that.

As I round the home stretch of the two week wait, I find myself becoming more and more consumed with potential "symptoms" of either pregnancy or my period...or well, both. I know, I know, you're thinking, "No surprise there. Everyone does that."

True. But why don't I have ANY symptoms? I'm not obsessively checking myself out for any minor symptom - but seriously, I got nothing. Oh wait, I have two zits on my chest - which let me just say I NEVER get - so I'm not at all impressed and don't really think they have much to do with anything.

Someone put me out of my misery!!


admin said...

I am in the phase as well- pregnancy or period? I'm guessing we both are pregnant!! Let's celebrate!

Two zits on your chest is definitely a pregnancy symptom. 3 zits means you're coming down with a cold.

Fertility Chick said...

LOL - uh oh. Zit #2 is disappearing - but another is coming up in its place...so what does that mean!?! ;)

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